when I had the garment on, areas other than the incision that were never numb before started to lose sensation. Is this normal? Graphic photos of surgery complications and positive surgeries. 2 months post. After the fifth day following your surgery, the muscle layer is beginning to knit against the skin layer, but things are not quite set. It's expected that your abdomen will bruise, swell, and become red where incisions were made. This will automatically place you in a 45 degree angle with your back and legs elevated. At this point, you should also be able to see some of the results of your tummy tuck. The surgery itself was 10 hours long and cost $20,000but once you factor in all the other expenses (medical tests, consultations and pre-op appointments), its probably more like $35,000 total. My goal is to provide the best care possible for my patients, and I believe that includes showing them real pictures of their results. By following the right tummy tuck post-op instructions and using clinically-proven scar treatments like embrace Active Scar Defense, you can expedite the healing processand get beautiful results. So this is my first post-op update on my tummy tuck, and I have to say, Im pretty happy with the results so far. Wounds can separate for the following reasons: Excess skin tension if too much skin was taken out during the procedure. I was always self-conscious about my stomach. Please note, patients are asked to relax abdomen for both before and after photos (they are not holding their abdomens in during the postoperative photos). For an ideal patient, the surgical scar is too small a price to pay for a flat, well-toned tummy. I'm 2 weeks post tummy tuck with lipo of flanks and bra area I received my compression garment after wearing an abdominal binder for 14 days. Below is a list of post-op symptoms that are not normal and should be examined by a doctor right away. You have to sacrifice your body to have children and that can lead to post-pregnancy weight gain and stretch marks. We are a team of cosmetic surgery experts at your service 247. You may be able to drive and return to a desk job as early as two weeks after a tummy tuck. Her pictures were taken 3 months after her surgery. I had the surgery a week ago and its been an amazing experience so far. This has been a long process: Ive been wanting this procedure done for 6 years, but I kept putting it off because of the cost. I thought it had been FOREVER. There are four types of diastasis recti: open (muscles split apart kind of around the belly button), open below the navel, open above the navel, and the most severe kind: completely open (meaning your abdominal muscles are split apart from the top of them to the very bottom). Postop pictures were taken 3 months after her surgery. Throw that whole toughing it out thing out the window. Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck: 2 Weeks Post-Op Let me start by saying THANK YOU to so many of you who have checked on me over these past few days. A little soreness here and there, but nothing too crazy. Pictures are shown 3 months after her surgery. Please note, patients are asked to relax abdomen for both before and after photos (they are not holding their abdomens in during the postoperative photos). If you have any questions or concerns about what is normal at any time during your recovery, contact your doctors office. Hello! Avoid post tummy tuck scars and achieve the firm, attractive abdomen you deserve by following this guide for a speedy recovery. I thought since I worked from home and have an office here, that I could be back at my desk pretty quick. My doctor uses an injection that he puts into the ab muscles themselves to keep them numb for a few weeks (which is excellent). Remember to plan ahead and arrange for a friend or relative to drive you home, as movements will be limited during this time. I have recently noticed the bottom of my tummy is like a waterbed. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. Ive been seeing some incredible results in only one week after my surgery. Neither was my belly button. After surgery, if the skin is pulled and tension rises, collagen will build up near the incision site and form dark, thick scar tissue. My advice to you is watch your diet while on rest from working out. It is a little annoying to try clothes on that fit before surgery only to find that you are too swollen to wear them, but I remind myself its temporary. The healing process will take a considerable amount of time, but the scar should slowly fade and eventually be concealable. I will update you about that in the near future. Iinsert a shortened ear plug and secure it with a little tape and this process is incredibly creepy because the area is still numb so you dont really feel it, but you stillfeeel it. Now, lets get down to business: here are my one week post-op pictures! The surgeon looked me over and determined that I was fine and ready to resume normal . Please note, patients are asked to relax abdomen for both before and after photos (they are not holding their abdomens in during the postoperative photos). I hope you stayed a while and got to know more about me, my family and my work. Now Shipping to United Kingdom and Canada! Use this time to take gentle walks around your house and start to get back to your normal routine. I truly appreciate it. We recommend getting up and walking around the room at least 3 times a day. I have started back to the gym as of 2 weeks ago. Just rest in bed during this time. The scar looks great, and its healing nicely. There were no surprises. 6 (7) weeks post-op. It is typical of all patients after a tummy tuck to have slightly hunched over posture. I was in good physical shape prior to my surgery. After a few weeks, I was ready to get back to my office. This patient underwent an abdominoplasty with liposuction of the flanks. He says had I come to my visits I wouldve prevented that. I hope that if you are considering a similar procedure, this will give you some insight into what to expect. If you missed the past articles of my journey, read about How much a tummy tuck costs and my Tummy tuck surgery day here. The results of my tummy tuck are finally starting to work their way through the haze of pain medication, and Im excited to share my experience with you! I am 9 weeks post-op (tummy tuck & lipo360). Hello, readers! I had been trying to lose weight for years, but it always seemed like the weight would come back on. Hi! Thank you for sharing your journey. Its now a small scar that I am treating and will fade over time. Its going to feel good to get back out there after being cooped up inside for so long! This includes: Experiencing tightness and stiffness in the abdomen after a tummy tuck is normal. He is considered a world leader in plastic surgery of the breast and body and lectures extensively around the word on these topics. Week 3 just ended yesterday, and I love waking up each morning to check my progress. My name is [name] and Im here to share my experience with my tummy tuck. The first time I had to pee after surgery I thought it might be better to just get diapers. She underwent abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction of flanks with tightening of abdominal muscles and augmentation of her breasts with saline implants through her abdominoplasty incision. I neglected to get a copy on my way out so will ask for them at my 3-month picture appointment on December 22nd. Postoperative photos were taken six months after surgery. While I do believe lipo is a necessary evil to make all this worth it and wouldnt have it any other way, it was probably the worst part of recovery. Go slowly! Your body will start to swell, and youll get frustrated. The surgery went smoothly. I was sure glad I did not opt for a breast augmentation too! My lower back is still numb, slightly swollen, and slightly bruised. Just thinking that if we were gentle surely some safe sex couldn't hurt? You should begin to feel improvement by three weeks post-op tummy tuck. But you know what, IFORGOT AN ENTIRE 48 HOURS OF MY LIFE. It is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you will go home on the same day as your surgery. I did with my first c section but my ob went back and fixed it the second time. By the second week following surgery, the treatment area will probably still be swollen. I have seen a surgeon who poked it then had me in a half sit up position poke it again and say its fine no seroma just fluid. Im Dr. [doctor name], and I am so excited to share my experience with you. !ReplyCancel, I did use the therapy. They were able to fit me in right away! She is approximately 6 weeks post-operation. I also started working out, which has helped boost my mood! There really is no way to describe it. The staff at [name] were amazing. In her research, she found veganism and vegetarianism. Salem Tummy Tuck Surgery Recovery: Week 2. A tummy tuck and lipo is in my future. While it is difficult, try to walk around at least a little bit every few hours. I'm glad you're here. Her postop pictures were taken 3 months after her surgery. I have been working out for the past few years, but I have always struggled with my weight and confidence. Your body just went through something major and it needs recovery time. Regardless if you get a full tummy tuck or mini abdominoplasty, you'll need to rest and heal for a few weeks. Directly after surgery, you will spend a few hours in the recovery room. I am interested in visiting your doctor, please inbox me his information. In addition, any surgical procedure elicits scars. He closed my incision with a glue/tape combo called Prineowhich iscompletely sealed so I was able to shower since the first post-op day. I would just like to add i am very happy with the results of my tummy tuck! Please remember that each patients results are individual and unique to body form. My pain isn't from my incision or abdomen. Paola Mayfield says her post-pregnancy body isn't from fad diets, pills, or a tummy tuck. Hint: You will. Because I never halfway do anything, mine of course was the most severe. It also involves tightening of muscles underneath the skin as well as repositioning of muscles to give you a more toned look. Posted on Published: October 3, 2012- Last updated: November 13, 2020, Disney Princess Royal Ball App for iPhone, How to Survive the Holiday Without Elastic-waist Pants! I wanted to share my results with you, so here are some photos of me 3 weeks after having a tummy tuck. The most practical sleeping position after a tummy tuck is in a recliner/Lazy Boy type of chair. I had a tummy tuck with liposuction, breast augmentation, and fat grafting to my hips at Dr. [Dr.s name]s office in [city]. He is kind, a good listener, and very professional. Did you use the scar therapy he recommends? The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. This patient desired improved abdominal contouring and fuller breasts. Hello everyone! I did a lot of research on a drainless tummy tuck. So here are some pictures from one week post-op: Hello! I just wanted to share with you all some updates, as well as some tips and tricks that I learned along the way. This varies on a case by case basis, but many are able to enjoy life as normal again. magicfroggie79 tummy tuck 3 weeks out. Im also a bit freaked about having to have my husband help me in the bathroom. My experience has been nothing less than AMAZING. There was 23 pounds removed at this surgery. Ok, so progress photos below. I hope youre having a great week! My sister recommended Dr. [Doctor Name], so when we met him and his staff at our consultation appointment, we knew he would be the right fit for what we wanted done. Rest as much as possible during the recovery phase. This will provide access to the underlying tissues. Hes exhausted and has told me no less than 10 times how awful my job as mother is and thats oddly satisfying. By week four, you can begin exercising lightly, return to your normal diet, and drink alcohol again in moderation. I plan to add a little more to my routine every day, but when I try new exercises, I only do a few at a time to make sure I dont hurt myself. 41 year old female before and 6 weeks after a panniculectomy. Among the biggest post-op tummy tuck concerns is scarring. I was always self conscious about my tummy. Pictures included . Postoperative photos were taken two months after surgery. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I cant even remember HOW I got home or in the house, although my husband said I walked. This is because the tummy tuck procedure will reposition various abdominal nerves and muscles in order to contour the area and reach your desired results. I can laycompletelyflat now without the stretching feeling I had before, but everything still feels a little tight. Enjoy the downtime. They made me feel really comfortable during the whole process from start to finish. Do not overdo it! However, don't feel rushed if you're not ready yet. . But then I realized that if my body keeps changing as much as it has over the last few years (and will continue to), then theres no guarantee that even if I dont get any more surgeries in the future, my skin will stay exactly as tight as it is now forever anyway! Now that some time has passed, though, things are getting better every day! Depending on how much loose skin and fat you have, this may or may not require liposuction before moving on to step two. The right breast was lifted via a circumareolar incision. We gave her a Mommy Makeover and performed an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) to take out the excess tissue from her arms and a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction to the flanks to . Ideally, youll be too busy getting the most out of your life to ever give your before pictures a second thought. This is 9 months after her initial Tummy Tuck and 2 months after Liposuction 360! Many will still experience swelling in the months following a tummy tuck. The sutures used are typically made of synthetic material like polyester or nylon; however, natural materials like silk can also be used if preferred by the patient. Sorry for the late reply but yep, now im 3 1/2 months and still swollem From: chrissy2445 | 2011-03-27 15:27:37 notice u jus had a tummy tuck,, looks a nit swollen compared to ur 24 hour post op.. are u still swollen,, im 4 weks post op and very, very swollen 1 - 2 Weeks after Tummy Tuck During the first two weeks, aim at walking lightly around the house for about ten minutes. She had 300 cc silicone implants placed with the breast lift scars hidden around her areola. We showed up on time. Drains still freak me out, but if I survived getting needles shoved into my knee this summer, I can probably handle a drain. If your work requires heavy lifting or strenuous activity, you will need to wait at least four to six weeks. My belly button is still pretty swollen, but it looks like it will be perfectly symmetrical when all is said and done. Specialties: For the most natural looking plastic surgery, there is only one name in the industry you can trust. Poor guy. Read all of my Mommy Makeover posts here. Almost 7 weeks PO, 5 days PO of incision closure. Hello, I am Dr. [name] and I am a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City. Makemeheal members share and view before and after plastic surgery photos of actual patients who underwent procedures such as breast augmentation, facelift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, liposuction, and eyelid surgery images. I had a tummy tuck with liposuction to various areas 2 weeks 1 day ago. Im so excited to share my experience with you as I approach one week post-op! Will this go away on its own? Feel free to contact me here, I love hearing from you! So, last year in April, I decided to go ahead with the procedureand it was one of the best decisions Ive ever made! Board certified Plastic & Reconstrunctive Surgeon. I ended up sleeping in a zero-gravity chair for about 10 days, but more on that later. The pain wasnt as bad as I thought it would be, and the healing process has been going really well. Postoperative photos were taken three months after surgery. You should also be able to see noticeable progress on your incision healing. She has had 2 children and she wanted a tighter and flatter abdomen. This patient desired improved contouring of her abdomen. Lay on your back, but do sit up in a reclined position or according to your surgeon's directions. I apply Neosporin every other day or when theres new scabbing. The surgery itself was actually pretty easyI was awake for the whole thing and felt no pain whatsoever. I also had to wear a tight wrap, had a drain on my lower right side, and stayed propped up by about 7 pillows when I was on the bed. Patient 15: 33 year old female complained of sagging breasts and wanted a larger cup size. That said, I was off of prescription pain meds by day 4 and only took a few Tylenols here and there for the next two days. Your tummy tuck two months post-op should leave you experiencing little-to-no side effects, meaning pain should be gone, scars are healing nicely, and swelling is gone or minimal. Make an Appointment with Our Plastic Surgeons Call our office at 801-581-7719 if you would like to learn more about your options for a tummy tuck. Wearing compression garments up to 2 weeks after surgery will help you get the best possible results. The procedure involves surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower parts of the abdomen. We can contour your body, enhance your breasts, soften the signs of . Postoperative photos were taken twelve months after surgery. Too much compression at a given point can stop blood flow . Im feeling great! Id always been athletic and fit, but after having kids, my body seemed to change overnightand not for the better! In so doing, the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall are tightened. When a scab begins to form on the incision, you may start to feel itchy, ranging from mild to severe discomfort. Off Limits:A number of activities remain off limits the second week after tummy tuck surgery. I hope you enjoy seeing these pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them! As you can see, her belly button has been repaired and her scar has healed beautifully. Please note, patients are asked to relax abdomen for both before and after photos (they are not holding their abdomens in during the postoperative photos). Best Wide Shoes for Kids: Reviews & Buying Guide. Four weeks post-op tummy tuck will see you feeling stronger and more restored. My surgery went smoothly and the surgical team was amazing! Im so excited to be back on the blog after my Tummy tuck surgery. About two weeks in you will also wonder if you will ever be able to walk upright again. A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to remove loose skin and fat from the abdomen, as well as tighten the muscles in the area. It was an older video from 2015 and it looked like the woman had a pretty bad scarring issue from where shed gotten a tummy tuck before. At some point, youll get rather bored sitting around. Theres a lot of it. I had a baby and after that the skin on my belly was looser than before. Sitting down meant standing up and I learned pretty quickly to limit my usage of abs. I wanted to share my experience with you because I know how hard it can be to find the right doctor and make the right decision when it comes to plastic surgery. Ive lost close to 90lbs, kept it off for almost 2 years. ress_js("https://seal.godaddy.com/getSeal?sealID=l75PqxrzNQFXvX5dv9beLIyPneBUC53cLtGITPPDLfC1ls4pSYmNtk2vz7Es"); The photographs are of patients of Dr. Deutschs. There are no surgical scars on the breast. My stomach is now flat, my hips are more narrow and my flanks are gone. Oops! The procedure is quite complex and entails the use of one or multiple incisions that vary in length. And it's been nice communicating with folks outside these walls since I was only released to drive today. She had 2.5 pounds removed during her surgical procedure. I wanted to share my tummy tuck 1 week post op pictures with you all. Often combined with liposuction and "muscle tightening", tummy tucks can result in a leaner, smoother, and slimmer belly! Patient 10: This patient underwent abdominoplasty. My goal is to look into my plastic surgery right before my 40th. I had a tummy tuck with liposuction on March 20th, and it was an incredible experience. This patient underwent a mommy makeovera breast augmentation with 339cc smooth moderate plus silicone implants and tummy tuck with liposuction of the flanks. Welcome to my blog. View All Patient Photos *Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary. 6 Weeks Post Op/tummy Tuck &lipo 360. Last two photos are in a completely relaxed position. I am pleased but I scarred poorly. I had my surgery on May 27th and here are some of my thoughts so far. I am so excited to share these pictures with you and hear what other people think about them. Stay hydrated. I had been wanting this surgery for a long time and decided to do it when I was having trouble fitting into the clothes that I loved and just couldnt get rid of the extra weight. The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. SillyI know. Thats not entirely true. You will experience some mild pain, bloating, pressure, and swelling. Swelling made it bigger (got up to 33 inches) and its just now back to where it was. Post that I developed seroma right next to the Necrosis site. He did not disappoint! And again. 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