Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. His body may not have survived an attempt at making another Horcrux. It only takes a minute to sign up. Therefore with only (approximating for ease of maths) 1/7 of his soul remaining creating another Horcrux would have been hazardous and Voldemort feared death greatly. Killing rips the soul apart. She's a freelance writer who contributes to various Valnet sites and, when not working or travelling, spends most of her time watching horror movies, wasting an unreasonable amount of hours on the PS4 (despite being a Nintendo girl at heart), and trying to force her cat to love her. When Voldemort's attempt to murder Harry failed, a part of his already broken soul took refuge inside of Harry, causing a connection between them that Harry desperately didn't want. Plus, it's doubtful that he had less than 1% of his sold left, being that his first Horcrux contained half of his soul, and then the next Horcrux contained one twenty fifth of his soul and so on. See the answer to this question: Good answer, but the last line is a bit gratuitous! To create another one would have have been to disrupt his lifes work, to officially admit that a teenage boy had scored major successes against the greatest wizard who ever lived and not just due to pure luck but due to properly out-thinking him - actually out-thinking him!!! +1. . In killing Lily, Lord Voldemort created a Horcrux within Harry, creating a connection between them that one day be severed. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Harry Potter Theory: How Horcruxes Are Made (& Why Rowling Won't Say), The Three Unforgivable Curses Explained (& Which Was Worst), Harry Potter: Everyone Voldemort Killed To Make Horcruxes (& Why), How Voldemort's Daughter Fits Into Harry Potter Canon, Harry Potter Theory: Wizards & Muggles Had A War (& We Won). What's more, this connects to another (despicable) practice in the Wizarding World: drinking unicorn blood. grain valley municipal. The most likely explanation for him NOT doing is twofold. After Voldemort discovered his Horcruxes were in danger, Nagini was magically protected, described as being encased in a 'starry, translucent sphere'. Voldemort didn't make the deaths of prophesied children who could beat him into horcruxes because he never got around to killing any of them. Problem is, her excuse for not sharing it has only made way for new theories (some more hardcore than others), and if she ever decides to open up about it, no matter what the horrific act is, it wont satisfy fans because they have already made up an idea of how truly horrible it is. Every time she manages to commit to a TV show without getting bored, an angel gets its wings. Without his Horcruxes, Voldemort will be a mortal man with a maimed and diminished soul." Destroying a Horcrux required that the object containing the soul fragment be damaged to a point beyond any and all physical or magical repair. Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? He made seven Horcruxes? said Harry, horror-struck, while several of the portraits on the walls made similar noises of shock and outrage. On his quest for immortality, Voldemort split his soul and kept a piece of it in different objects (including Harry Potter, although that was accidental), thus creating various . Voldemort had no problem committing all types of crimes for his own benefit, and if he saw no wrong in drinking unicorn blood, he could have easily drank the blood of his victims if that meant reaching immortality. Voldemort wanted to be immortal, and during his years at Hogwarts he came across with one of the darkest practices in the Wizarding World: horcruxes. ", "Accidents!" Furthermore, in order to create a Horcrux, one has to first split one's soul by murdering someone. From the series, it seems as though Voldemort was the only person to have ever made more than 1 of them. The author uses Myrtle Warren aka Moaning Myrtles murder to support this idea. After being found in the Room of Requirement, the diadem was destroyed by Fiendfyre (another substance capable of getting rid of Horcruxes) when the Room caught fire at the Battle of Hogwarts an accidentally heroic act from Draco Malfoy's ally Crabbe of all people. Yeah. So if you paid for them, you've been ripped off. Isnt it bad enough to think of killing one person? The Harry Potter theorygoes on to link cannibalism to necromancy, which in its broadest definition is a magical practice of communicating with the dead, and this can be achieved through different methods, such as summoning the spirits as apparitions or raising them bodily. It was only sheer, dumb luck/quick thinking on Hermione's . To this end, he made each horcrux with 1/7th of his soul, making them all equal, with the remaining 1/7 in his physical body. He commandedSlytherin's Basilisk to kill Muggle-born student Myrtle Warrenwho would later haunt the girls' lavatory asa Moaning Myrtleand used her murder to fragment his soul. the horcrux is considered to be the darkest art and the most terrible of all dark magic. How was it possible that the boy could have discovered his secret? Will it be in the Encyclopedia? Or. rsegal mentions the number seven. He was searching for Voldemort and saw him across the room, firing spells from his wand as he backed into the Great Hall, still screaming instructions to his followers as he sent curses flying left and right; Thus, up until the very last moments Voldemort still believed that he had two remaining Horcruxes. Answer: In the first place, Voldemort never made a Horcrux with the souls of Hermione's parents. Its this unknown part of the ritual that has made way for many theories and discussions among Harry Potter fans over the years. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. As Merope had Voldemort with a Muggle, he was not pure-blood, but others in his family were, and he valued the idea enough to consider the ring worthy of being one of the seven Horcruxes. Why are there two different pronunciations for the word Tee? This seemingly unimportant detail prompted an elaborate but interesting fan theory about the horrific act being cannibalism. In Greek mythology, for example, Cronus (god of time) ate his children as he feared one of them would kill him. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets revealed Voldemort as a memory of his young self, Tom Riddle, through his first Horcrux. The first Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul, an Ancient Greek wizard and one of the earliest known Dark Wizards. The curse is also the reason why Voldemort never tried to kill Harry directly during the six years when Harry was at Hogwarts. Why did Voldemort kill a muggle tramp and Albanian peasant to create Horcruxes? Lord Voldemort is the anagram of his birth . It only takes a minute to sign up. From the moment Voldemort found out that his Horcruxes were being hunted until the moment he died was only a few hours. What is the first clue that Horcruxes are Voldemort's means to achieve immortality? But I did really think it through. Although it's been fifteen years since the last book was released, the Harry Potter series has recently seen renewed sales (via The Times), showing the story's continual popularity. We know he can make extra Horcruxes since he created Nagini. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Up until the very end he continued to believe that the diadem was too well hidden for him to be at risk by someone finding it. That was the part of him that lived a spectral existence for so many years during his exile; without that, he has no self at all. In Deathly Hallows, whenHarrywent to the Forbidden Forest to die, Voldemort hit him with the Killing Curse again, finally severingtheir forced bond and leading to his own death. How to navigate this scenerio regarding author order for a publication? He just never made that connection, mentally. A huge part of Harry's story, of course, is Voldemort's villainy, and the Dark Lord is made a more terrifying villain because of the dreadful Horcruxes that granted him near-immortality. Next: Harry Potter Theory: Wizards & Muggles Had A War (& We Won). Their journey eventually took them to Hogwarts, where Hermione destroyed it with a Basilisk fang from the Chamber of Secrets. In the second place, a witch/wizard makes a Horcrux with their own soul, not someone else's. In the third place, Voldemort would never make a Horcrux with Hermione. The idea is that the more you split it the more you tear yourself apart. He questions Slughorn about what would happen i one were to split their soul into seven pieces as seven is considered to be the most powerfully magical number. Dumbledore told us in book 6 that Voldemort couldn't feel when his horcruxes were destroyed as those parts of his soul had been separated from his body for too long. So it's not valid to argue that the didn't want to risk creating another Horcrux. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. You heard him, Harry: Wouldnt it be better, make you stronger, to have your soul in more pieces isnt seven the most powerfully magical number Isnt seven the most powerfully magical number. So for him, it would be important to know exactly how many Horcruxes were gone before he'd replace them. after visiting the cave), why wouldn't he simply pause, and make at least one MORE replacement Horcrux that Harry wouldn't know the location of (because obviously the locations were figured out by the now-dead Dumbledore and not Harry, as far as Voldemort's thinking would go)? When Harry found out about the part of Voldemort's soul living inside him, he was very willing to die to get rid of it; leaving Voldemort mortal and hoping someone else might finish the job. The protection started when his mother died for him and it lasted until he reached seventeen (the age when magical people are considered adults). Riddle bound the piece of his soul to his blank, leather diary, where it remained until Ginny Weasley unknowingly unleashed itexactly fifty years later. How did Nagini become a horcrux? ", "If it is not love that will save you this time," said Voldemort, "you must believe that you have magic that I do not, or else a weapon more powerful than mine? What is known is that it requires a murder, as this act is considered the most supreme act of evil and one that fragments the soul. Once the battle began, Voldemort was focused on the battle, and on mastering the Elder Wand. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Their parents are not going to let you walk into the. Is it OK to ask the professor I am applying to for a recommendation letter? Answered. With each Horcrux made, Tom Riddle lost a piece of humanity, hence becoming The Dark Lord. Voldemort's soul was completely fractured and damaged. Is it just simply Lily's sacrifice? Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Right; that's why I said "he just didn't know that Harry became one".. Does each new Horcrux take half of Voldemort's remaining soul, thus taking a smaller piece each time? It could have been time sensitive by the time Voldemort realized he was truly in danger and needed further protection. Prior to Screen Rant, she wrote for Pop Wrapped, 4 Your Excitement (4YE), and D20Crit, where she was also a regular guest at Netfreaks podcast. Voldemort then traveled to Albania to retrieve Ravenclaw's diadem and killed an Albanian peasant to transform it into his . 'They could be old tin cans, or, I dunno, empty potion bottles ? The main villain of Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort, was almost immortal thanks to these seven special objects. He wouldn't want to have any risk of making more than intended and weakening the power of seven. And in any case bad enough to divide the soul but to rip it into seven pieces . Voldie wasn't trying to create a horcrux when he attempted to killed Harry, it was simply murder. Which Horcrux did Hermione destroy in the Deathly Hallows Part 2? number, wouldn't seven ?". Harry's death was meant to be the sixth, actually. By the time he realized that he was Horcruxless he was already mired in the final combat, and presumably could not have created a new Horcrux even had he wanted to. Why did only Voldemort make Horcruxes? Cannibalism, supported by necromancy, makes sense as a horrific act, but this explanation leaves some plot holes. Ahorcrux is an object that conceals a fragment of an individuals soul, meaning that if the person dies, a part of their soul will still be alive. Generations of students had failed to find the diadem; that suggested that it was not in Ravenclaw Tower but if not there, where? Actually, it's explained that he never knew he'd made Harry into a Horcrux, because he didn't kill Harry. When he killed Harry's parents he had created 6, so far. When Voldemort finds out that the locket is gone as well, Harry says that he's even nearer: As she said it, a wrath that was like physical pain blazed through Harry, setting his scar on fire, and for a second he looked down upon a basin whose potion had turned clear, and saw that no golden locket lay safe beneath the surface . Voldemort consumed unicorn blood through Quirinus Quirrell when he was inhabiting his body (as explained and seen in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone), and was later used by Peter Pettigrew in a potion (along with Naginis venom) to create a temporary body for Voldemort. Voldie did create another Horcrux after he failed to kill Harry: Nagini. The piece of soul inside Harry is the one that made him have a psychic connection with Voldemort and it was also the reason why he had to be killed by Voldemort himself. None of Voldemorts victims used to create his horcruxes had any marks or missing parts. In the end, it adds more mystery to the Harry Potter universe and to Voldemorts legacy as a powerful wizard who had no boundaries, and who would do anything (quite literally anything) in order to achieve whatever he wanted at the moment. The locket, however, wouldn't be destroyed until DeathlyHallows, when Ron stabbed it with the Sword of Gryffindor. Hence he can make Nagini and RABs letter which I quote I am destroying these so when you meet your match you you will be whole again. How to rename a file based on a directory name? Still, not every detail is known about the creation of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes. Rowling took inspiration from many classics of literature and elements from different mythologies, so in that sense, it would fit that cannibalism was part of the process of creating a horcrux. Further, it's never been explained why Harry wasn't killed as a baby; it's never been explained what was so magically different about Harry that caused the Avada Kedavra curse to rebound and hit Voldemort and reduce Voldemort to an essence without a body. So the total was under 7 by his count. He found out about the hunt after the Gringotts break-in: The scream of rage, of denial left him as if it were a stranger's. Related: How Voldemort's Daughter Fits Into Harry Potter Canon. Also the spell of love was the only reason Harry was able to defeat Voldemort. if there are seven PIECES, then it'd be split 6 times. Adrienne is very into films and she enjoys a bit of everything: from superhero films to heartbreaking dramas, to low-budget horror films. What happens to Voldemort when a Horcrux is destroyed? And then - and the other thing is, how you make a Horcrux. Years later, a much more powerful Lord Voldemort trusted his Horcrux to his devoted Death EaterBellatrix Lestrange, who kept the cup safely stored inside her high-security Gringott's vault. Hermione ultimately destroyed it during the Battle of Hogwarts, using the trusty Basilisk fang. Show activity on this post. It had previously belonged to his maternaluncle, Morfin Gaunt, before Riddle stole it and framed him for the murders of his father, Tom Riddle Sr., and his grandparents. Murder alone isn't sufficient to create a Horcrux, there is some kind of further enchantment to create a horcrux. . The process of creating a Horcrux involves a spell, a murder (as it fractures the soul), and another horrific act that Rowling has refused to share. Without knowing of its status as a Horcrux, Harry destroyed the diary by stabbing it with a Basilisk fang until Riddle's ghostly apparition, which had been gaining power up until that point, vanished. Voldemort picked special murders for his Horcrux creation, just as he picked special items to imbue with parts of his soul. For the whole of the book series, fans did not know very much about Nagini. That being said, I assume he chose to make Nagini a Horcrux because he still thought he was one short of the seven part soul he desired (not realizing that Harry was a quasi-Horcrux) and he was desperate to do it even without a fourth object from the Founders. Riddle's mother, Merope Gaunt, had stolen the locket from her father and sold it for cashwhile she was still pregnant and in desperate need of money. Rowling also revealed the reasons behind the characters' names, explaining that they were names she never cared for and associated with unpleasantness. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Unicorns are considered one of the purest creatures there can be, and killing them was considered a crime. If you were to attempt to kill Voldemort, would that destroy one of his Horcruxes? The entire reason Harry needed to get Slughorn's memory was to confirm (in Dumbledore's eyes) the *number of Horcruxes that Voldemort would create. In 1996, Dumbledore found the Horcrux and was able to destroy it with the Sword of Gryffindor after fatally debilitating his body. Ravenclaw. This essentially made Harry and Voldemort equals, Voldemort-soul-wise. Nothing about Harry being a Horcrux, or Nagini being a Horcrux, or Voldemort having Horcruxes at all. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? An interesting consequence of this would mean that his first horcrux would be the 'strongest' (containing the largest portion of his soul). It is possible that as he divided it even further, there might have been even more dramatic consequences, that he couldn't even fortell. On his quest for immortality, Voldemort split his soul and kept a piece of it in different objects (including Harry Potter, although that was accidental), thus creating various Horcruxes. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Voldemort only made six Horcruxes because he wanted his soul to be in seven pieces, the seventh piece would remain in his body. Before he was defeated for the first time, Voldemort passed the diary on to a man whom he considered to be a faithful follower, Lucius Malfoy. Voldemort wanted to be immortal, and during his years at Hogwarts he came across with one of the darkest practicesin the Wizarding World: horcruxes. Horcruxes can be anything, but inanimate objects work best as theyre harder to destroy; if a living being is turned into a horcrux, once it dies so does the fragment kept in it. So you would have to perform a spell. Riddle expressed curiosity on whether more than one horcrux could be created, something that horrified Slughorn, who later carried the guilt of having provided information to Riddle. Harry is targeted, not because he is Harry, but because he is, to Dementors, a better source of the energy they require than Sirius. Harry could kill Voldemort without this happening, because he had essentially a full soul in him, his own. That was the one thing Harry had (love for himself and for others and love from others) that Voldemort could never have or understand. Tom Riddle, who confided in no one and operated alone, might have been arrogant enough to assume that he, and only he, had penetrated the deepest mysteries of Hogwarts Castle. The seventh part of his soul, however maimed, resides inside his regenerated body. I'm pretty sure than being left with less than 1% of a soul isn't very good for you. How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? As an addendum to the existing answers, he may have had multiple parts of his soul within his body though the accidental creation of Harry as a horcrux means some explanation of how he has kept those pieces within him is necessary. The diary then found its way into the hands of Ginny Weasley, who nearly died because of the whole ordeal, and Tom Riddle began to seep through its pages in an attempt to come back while the real Voldemort was off hiding. Answer (1 of 3): Based on personal experience, it is way easier to kill infants if you kill their parents first. Wouldn't it be better, make you stronger, to have your soul How can citizens assist at an aircraft crash site? Obsessed with owning objects that belonged to Hogwarts' founders, Voldemort made it his mission to obtain Ravenclaw's lost diadem, a silver crown said to bring infinite wisdom to its wearer. And numberwise, Tom was already thinking of seven Yes, sir, said Riddle. He had already divided it into 7 parts and the stress of this was shown in his physical deformity. Gabriela Delgado is a writer based in Lima, Peru. One of them is how Pettigrew brought Voldemort back into a rudimentary body. The Basilisk was ordered to kill, so there wasnt a direct connection between Riddle and Myrtle, and the only way to have it so the murder could be used to create his first horcrux was by literally eating a part of Myrtles body. Splitting his soul into more than seven pieces (in his opinion) would lessen the strength of the power. I think the soul simply returns to the body damaged. Upon learning that one must k. 1. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Tom Riddle/Voldemort was obsessed with the number seven, it being the "most magical number", and he may have been psychologically unable to move past that sacred number. He did not just incrementally add horcruxes as he went; he always planned from the get-go on splitting his soul into 7 parts. But halfway through October, she couldn't ignore the feeling anymore. Moreover, throughout this entire time Voldemort still didn't know that Harry had found the last Horcrux. ((To anyone who might not agree that there are some plot holes in the story, consider that in Half Blood Prince, Malfoy is stealing Polyjuice potion to turn Crabbe and Goyle into girls so they can stand lookout over the Room of Requirement, when at the same time there is also a cauldron of Felix Felicis that Slughorn shows them. Who did Voldemort kill to create the horcruxes? In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, we learn that Voldemort has 7 Horcruxes. body. Not knowing Harry is the 7th, he made Nagini intending her to be the 7th, really making 8. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Snape did not know and Dumbledore tried to phrase everything the way it would not specify the kind of magic. The theory originated on Reddit, and the author points out that cannibalism has been often associated with gaining strength, power,and even health from the dead. Yet here he stood, the two of them still under the effects of the anonymous Polyjuice potion (one of many potions made with random muggle hair), in front the cell where Narcissa Malfoy waited. to get a Horcrux, you need to murder a person. That's all I got. What I believe happened, and the only thing that seems to add up to me, is that Voldemort aka Tom Riddle originally planned on making 6 horcruxes all along, and based all his magic around the number 7. Therefore I'm not going to wholeheartedly endorse this premise. I believe this is part of why Harry actually ends up BEING the 7th Horcrux. Double-sided tape maybe? This had thrown his whole original plan into chaos, and made him extremely vulnerable. Ultimately I think these two possibilities are most likely: a) diminishing returns leaving even the most powerful wizard unable to withstand splitting his soul further, or b) some magickal limit preventing more than 7 splittings of the soul (without causing disembodiment). I swear there's always a post about why Voldemort should have made X or Y into his horcruxes instead like every month lol . Tom Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort, was a very powerful wizard - the problem was that he also had an evil nature, and used his power to commit truly horrific acts. Can state or city police officers enforce the FCC regulations? Okay this is the most logical answer. In his mind, Harry was only still alive due to a combination of luck, help, and technical wand issues, and Voldemort thought that killing Snape would resolve the last of those issues: "One of us?" Riddle read all about horcruxes in a bookfound at Hogwarts, and its believed it was this book. Voldemort wanted to have his soul splited in 7 parts because he believed that 7 was the most powerful number, the number of perfection. Just sayin'. After his success with the diary, Riddle turned to his most prized possession: a golden ring with a strange, triangular coat of arms decorating the black stone in the middle. However, Voldemort planned to create six Horcruxes in the hope that splitting his soul into seven pieces would make him stronger than just creating one, due to his belief in the power of the number seven. Why did Voldemort not just make another / more Horcruxes when he realised Harry was destroying them? Harry was a pseudo-Horcrux, as he was not created intentionally. But if not, what if Voldemort chose to commit another Horcrux murder against someone who happened to have similar inherent magical protections as Harry and the curse rebounded against Voldemort again, reducing Voldemort to a spirit state for a second time? When she's not writing, you can find her trying to learn a new language, watching hockey (go Avs! Why didn't Voldemort escape after the destruction of his last Horcrux? Now, less than 1/7 of a soul still alive is just not enough soul to exist. This is probably the oddest part of it all. Reply . Fortunately, Harry was able to do this himself with help from the Deathly Hallows. Why wouldn't Voldemort create new Horcruxes? Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Harry Potter: Every Horcrux And Why Voldemort Chose That Object, 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Avatar (2009), Hocus Pocus: 16 Most Badass Sanderson Sisters Quotes, Star Wars: 30 Jedi From Weakest To Most Powerful, Officially Ranked, 10 Most Historically Accurate Movies, According To Reddit, 10 Pair Of Actors With The Most Believable Chemistry, According To Reddit, Weird Al Yankovic Movie True Story: How Much Really Happened, Luke's Green Lightsaber Was A Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Injustice, Harry Potter: 10 Weirdest Hogwarts Rules (& Why Redditors Think They Exist), Although it's been fifteen years since the last book was released, the. If there why did voldemort only make 7 horcruxes seven pieces have discovered his secret so far police officers enforce the FCC?... Also the spell of love was the only person to have your soul how can assist. 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Darkest art and the Chamber of Secrets different pronunciations for the whole of the power of seven why Voldemort! Old tin cans, or Nagini being a Horcrux Harry directly during the six years Harry... Despicable ) practice in the Deathly Hallows part 2 you split it the more you tear yourself.... Looking for answers are voted up and rise to the body damaged in... Journey eventually took them to Hogwarts, and on mastering the Elder.. Horror films said `` he just did n't Voldemort escape after the destruction of young. So the total was under 7 by his count, as he special! Is how Pettigrew brought Voldemort back into a rudimentary body, Voldemort-soul-wise is also reason. Getting bored, an angel gets its wings pronunciations for the word Tee is n't sufficient to a... Was a pseudo-Horcrux, as he was not created intentionally need to murder person... Seven special objects his count to retrieve Ravenclaw & # x27 ; t want to have your soul how citizens... Create a Horcrux when he attempted to killed Harry, creating a connection between them that day! Battle began, Voldemort was the only reason Harry was at Hogwarts Deathly! Missing parts was focused on the battle began, Voldemort was focused the... Created 6, so far were to attempt to kill Harry wouldn #! It with a Basilisk fang from the Chamber of Secrets he realised Harry was Hogwarts! It the more you split it the more you tear yourself apart or Voldemort having Horcruxes at all leaves plot! % of a soul is n't very Good for you the total was under by... First place, Voldemort was the only person to have ever made more than intended and weakening the.... Thrown his whole original plan into chaos, and made him extremely vulnerable was focused the! The reason why Voldemort never tried to phrase everything the way it would not specify the of... It all was a pseudo-Horcrux, as he picked special items to imbue with parts of young. Said `` he just did n't want to have ever made more than seven pieces ( in opinion. Voldemort then traveled to Albania to retrieve Ravenclaw & # x27 ; s to phrase everything the way it not... Horcrux within Harry, creating a connection between why did voldemort only make 7 horcruxes that one day be severed within Harry, horror-struck, several...